Our Products

The Cascade
Every month
Every year

The Cascade is PMR's flagship product. Subscribe to gain access to a weekly macro letter of independent analysis on charts, trades, economic news, and our book of current trades. You'll also have access to our discord server where we post relevant charts, trades, and updates on content from the letter


The Emerald
Every year

PMR's Professional Service. You'll have access to the Cascade, and our monthly report - The Emerald. The monthly focuses on global macro opportunities with deep dives into countries, commodities, or deeper analysis on themes in The Cascade. You'll also have access to our Discord server where we post relevant charts, commentary, and updates on trades found in The Cascade and The Emerald. Emerald Clients have access to Emerald-only rooms on Discord and more access to Chase.




Multiple subscription options available, but lower level access compared to The Cascade & The Emerald memberships.

*links to external site*